
The smoke-free coalition unites the forces of civilian organizations and individuals to curb smoking and tobacco industry interference provide more information, organize prevention campaigns and help with quitting.

The smoke-free coalition emerges spontaneously after the 2010 proposal to repeal the Total ban on smoking in public places. It is open to civil, public, municipal and state organizations that share its specific objectives at the present time – support of the Total ban on smoking in closed public places and the strict implementation of the Health Act in Bulgaria, as well as its common goals – restricting smoking in Bulgaria and reducing the number of smokers, especially among young people.

In 2012, Smoke Free Life Coalition was registered as a legal entity. Founders of the Association are: ADRA Bulgaria, BlueLink.net, Smoke Free Bulgaria Initiative, International Institute for Health and Health Insurance, Parents Association, Association for Prevention and Work with Addiction – Only Today, Bulgaria Youth Foundation prevention “. In 2015, the Association of Medical Students joined the Coalition. The implementation of the activities includes more than 30 associated members – public and municipal organizations, which are united by the goals of the Coalition.

Smoke Free Life Coalition is a member of the European Network for Tobacco Prevention and the International Smoke Free Environment Partnership. The Coalition has partnered with the Office of the World Health Organization in Bulgaria and the International Smoke Free Tobacco Campaign.
